About Us

Sentral A.V.R (DKI Jakarta, Indonesia)

Sentral A.V.R meet your needs in the assembly, sales, and repair / service AVR genset you. We assemble AVR generator you'll need for the generator to you. In addition we also sell some AVR generator according to the type and brand of each AVR either as a replacement or general AVR, the AVR that can be applied to almost any brand genset.

We also provide a wide range of needs of electrical-parts for the generator, be it selling a new, assembly, or repair, such as diodes, thyristors, rotating diodes, varistors, Power Factor Controller, potentio (hand-trimmer), ATS, ECM, battery charger, governor, MCCB, MCB, etc.


Kami merupakan distributor AVR terkemuka dan terpercaya di Indonesia. Produk yang Kami jual seperti AVR Genset R-449, AVR Genset R-230, AVR Genset WT2, AVR Genset M16FA665A, AVR Genset AS-440 Grey, AVR Genset SX-460 Grey, dan banyak lagi. Kami juga melayani servise dan pemasangan AVR. Produk yang kami jual memiliki kualitas bagus dan harga yang terjangkau.


Lindeteves Trade Center (LTC) Glodok Lantai 1 Blok A7 No. 2 Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.127 Jakarta Barat 11180
DKI Jakarta , Indonesia


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